I’ve dieted so many times in my life that there probably isn’t a diet I’d not tried at some point. Low fat. High fat. Low carbs. Cream cheese (I kid you not). Atkins. Caveman. South Park (I might have got that one wrong). You name it, I’ve done it.
Let me get this right: I’m by no means morbidly obese or a freak who diets for a week and then quickly consumes double their body weight in chocolate. I’m pretty much middle of the various body mass and fat indices but like a lot of women and a fair whack of men – always trying to shed a couple, never too skinny, eh? And because I have a systematic personality and am keen on novelties I’d enthusiastically embrace and follow any next fad I’d read about. For a while – until I’d realise it’s pointless, stupid and unhealthy and the only thing that works is the HAM* diet.
One of the regimes I’d adopted a long long time ago involved eating enormous quantities of sliced fried celeriac without any seasoning (I know. Go figure. And before you ask – no, it didn’t). That certainly put me off the vegetable for a long time. But adding cheesy sauce to most veg transforms them into something delishhh so celeriac gratin will work even for people not that keen on the knobbly brute.
This is great with any roast meats but happy to go in a company of fish, too.
*Dontcha know? Half As Much...