I’m not a morning person. I used to be a real beast first thing, just grunting at whoever had the misfortune to cross my path, showering and putting my face on in half-dark as I couldn’t stand the light, properly waking up only in the office – that’s after 40 minute train journey and 20 minute walk.
I could sleep for England – once I famously overslept for an appointment at 4 in the afternoon, having nothing on prior to it I just slept on and on. Sunday morning simply did not exist as I’d rise and shine well post meridiem. I’d nod off instantly on a flight, train and in the car, thankfully not while driving.
I got better – I guess in a way sleeping is missing out on living and I must have gradually seen that – but I still value my Sunday morning shut-eye. So the idea of Sunday morning bread baking does not go down well with me, unless we’re thinking lunch.
But if you are a morning person and rise on Sundays or any other day of course - bright eyed and bushy tailed – perfect rolls for breakfast. Plan ahead as the sponge needs to prove overnight or up to 18 hours and then you might want to either chill the dough to shape rolls in the morning, or even chill the shaped rolls. Either way, bring it back to room temperature before baking.
The recipe is a combined effort of Andrew Whitley’s (‘Bread Matters’) and mine in the form of adding honey and replacing water with beer.