What's wrong with people? All of a sudden, or so it seems, blood oranges turn up in supermarkets under a different moniker. BLUSH. Blush oranges. Is 'blood' not a politically correct word now? Whose sensibilities can it possibly offend? And it's not even adequate because the oranges are deep crimson not pale pinky.
Am I supposed to turn up at the A&E and say I've had an accident and I'm blushing? Blush, sweat and tears? It's in your blush? Blush is thicker than water? Blush relations? Blushy hell. Just when you thought PC couldn't go any more mad.
What I still call BLOOD ORANGES is gorgeous fruit. They need to be dark ripe red inside - if supermarket bought, let them wait a week before cutting and juicing them.
These muffins could well be made with ordinary oranges but for the pleasure of handling that lovely fruit, use blood. BLOOD. Not blush. Recipe courtesy Good Food Magazine.