What a fusion! Focaccia but with sweet fruity topping. Well, truth be told, I’ve encountered a blueberry focaccia recipe in the Great Virtual out there – except it was kind of savoury, with rosemary, didn’t appeal. Ordinarily, thinking focaccia will bring to mind an image of flat, thin bread decorated sparsely with whatever, usually savoury, usually olives. But the French do their own version - fougasse (see my fougasse roquefort), and it comes both savoury and sweet, so I feel justified in my blueberry fusion endeavours.
The inspiration for this comes also from what my Grandmother used to bake on Sunday afternoons: a flattish tea bread sort of thing with soft fruit and streusel on top, gorgeous almost straight from the oven, with Grandma frowning that warm cake gives you bad tummy (it doesn't Granny, it never did...).
The dough is the same as for apricot or cherry buns. Very versatile – in this instance I actually made double the amount and froze half – for later use.