Contrary to what the popular belief might be, that macaroni and cheese, or mac and cheese as it’s known, is an American invention that claims no Italian roots, the dish actually did originate in 14th century Italy. Although they might not exactly have used Cheddar there.
It is number one comfort, food in America, as well as the student out-of-the-pack staple – Kraft having introduced the quick and ready mac in a box in the 1930s during the Great Depression (a genius stroke to cheer the people up…). But if you want to be posh you can call it pasta Mornay, as that’s what it is - a pasta casserole with cheesy béchamel sauce.
My twist is the added leeks – so let’s call it mac n leek n cheese, shall we? None the less comforting but maybe a smidgen less stodgy. Serve it with green salad and you’re almost being healthy!