I was watching a documentary from the Aberdeen fish market in Hong Kong, thoroughly consumed by envy. The abundance and the freshness of the fish were impressive of course, but the size of the place in a city where space is at an exorbitant premium showed what a key produce fish is and should be. And here? Forget about it. Perhaps with the exception of the Billingsgate market in London, we are not spoilt for choice in inland UK.
Ah well, I thought at the end. At least I can cook my fish like they did in the documentary. Of course – stir fry it.
I don't think I'd done it before though - stir fry fish I mean, perhaps with the exception of monkfish which is sturdy enough to survive brutal tossing about in a wok. I was a bit worried that my nice bit of salmon I had my mind set on this time would disintegrate. So I had to watch that bit of the documentary again. How did they do it? Below's how – just leave it alone for a while, then turn and that’s it. Ginger, lemon and I just threw some green veg in, the lemon idea borrowed off Ken Hom.