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Courgette bread

Updated: Thu, 15 July, 2021

Courgette bread: a savoury loaf made with grated raw courgettes. It is good for slicing, buttering, and even turning into ham sandwiches.

courgette savoury bread

What to do with courgettes?

What to do with courgettes. Courgette recipes. Courgettes glut what to make. Best zucchini recipes. Courgette zucchini. How to cook courgettes. Baked courgettes. Fried courgettes. Raw courgettes or zucchini. Stuffed baked courgettes microwaved benefits nutrition.

That is only a handful top searches for the unfortunate vegetable. I wonder: why do we flog ourselves with the damn courgette, zucchini or both if it’s such a chore to cook it into a palatable dish? Just quit buying or growing it I say.

bread made with grated courgettes

Why is courgette so popular?

But who am I to criticise if I do the same? Somehow the blasted gourd (squash subspecies) makes its way into my garden every year and without fail produces tonnes of fruit (vegetable, but you know) (though it actually, technically IS fruit).

And I, together with thousands other courgette victims, search for novel ways to murder the thing, be it green, yellow, round or elongated. And once we’ve done dinners, gratins, sides and salads ad nauseam, we look to baking.

Courgette bread is not courgette cake

What a big part of the world calls zucchini bread (those are the folks who call the vegetable ‘zucchini’), really mean a loaf cake.

Nice, though you know – it's still courgette loaf cake and I guess carrot cake won’t lose any sleep over it. It’s sweet, it has raisins in it, oftentimes icing, chocolate glaze or both.

The confusion arises over when is bread bread, and when is it a cake. Banana bread for instance, is a cake, good and proper but still the world, and not only across the Atlantic, calls it banana bread.

In the instance of this recipe, we are not talking about sweet bakes, there is no glaze or raisins. It's BREAD bread.

zucchini loaf

Savoury courgette loaf aka courgette bread

Bread proper then – as in a loaf you slice, butter, and turn into ham sandwiches. I’ve baked an interesting one before with cooked courgettes, but this time I wanted to use it raw so the moisture courgettes carry with them (and there’s a hell of a lot of it, which is why you need to drain some by salting and squeezing the zucchini) may replace some of the water that bread making requires.

Generally speaking, adding vegetables to bread dough makes for a moist (how I hate that word) and nicely squidgy crumb. See also beetroot bread, onion bread and apple bread.

Acknowledgement and tweak

The Community Farm recipe was my inspiration; I added lime zest to enhance the green flavour and broke the whiteness of the basic bread dough with a little rye flour.

Is it an easy bread?

This recipe is relatively easy and quick, as breads go. No sponge or ferment, the grated courgetted need to release moisture instead. Then all the ingredients are mixed together and kneaded until smooth and elastic - a standing mixer is indispensable, as usual in bread making.

The dough proves and rises over about an hour and a half, then the shaped loaf proves in the tin for the second time before baking in hot oven.

So what is courgette bread like?

And the outcome is really good: a thoroughly decent loaf with no overwhelming zucchini taste (maybe because it doesn't taste of anything, hehe) and a really lovely sliceable, toastable, and sandwichable texture.

Send some more courgettes my way!

Courgette bread

Servings: makes 1 large loafTime: 4 hours
Rating: (2 reviews)


  • 2 large courgettes, about 450g (1 pound) in weight
  • 2 tsp fine salt
  • 425g strong bread flour
  • 75g light rye flour
  • 30g grated Parmesan
  • zest grated from 1 lime
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 250ml warm water
  • 12g fresh or 1 tsp instant yeast


1. Coarsely grate the courgettes without peeling them, place in a colander over a bowl and toss with 1 tsp of salt. Leave for 30 minutes.

grated courgettes

2. Place the flours, the remaining 1 tsp. salt, Parmesan, zest and oil in a large bowl (use the standing mixer if you have one). Squeeze as much moisture from the courgettes as you can and add them to the bowl. Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and pour it in.

making courgette bread dough

3. Mix at high speed for at least 10 minutes until the dough comes together and starts to clear the sides of the bowl. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place for 1½ hour to double in volume.

proving courgette bread dough

4. Butter a large (2lb) loaf tin.

5. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface; it will be very sticky. Using a dough scraper and floured hands shape the dough into a sausage the length of the tin. Transfer into the tin; you might need to place the tin on its side and roll the dough into it. Cover with cling film and leave to prove for 45 minutes.

how to make courgette bread

6. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/gas 7. Bake the bread for 35 minutes then turn the oven down to 180 and bake for 10 minutes longer. Remove, turn out from the tin and let it cool down before slicing.

Originally published: Thu, 19 September, 2019

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Your comments

Anna @ CuisineFiend
Hi Maria-Teresa - I am really pleased yours came out good and that you enjoyed it!
3 days ago
Maria-Teresa Zatta
Absolutely loved this! Was “gifted” a 2kg courgette and have been working my way through various grated courgette recipes. Followed your weights & method assiduously….only departures based on what was in the house @ the time…no lime zest added, dark rye, not light rye, and poured dough into tin directly after proving….like you stay sticky, but mine was uber sticky! Used the dough blade on my food processor on my food processor for 5 mins. Agree re moist as a word….
5 days ago
Anna @ CuisineFiend
Thank you for commenting Mandy!
12 months ago
Fabulous and delish I did everything
12 months ago
Anna @ CuisineFiend
Hi Hattie - I suspect your flour amounts must have been wrongly measured out. Without the courgettes the hydration of the dough would be 50% which is very low, very dry and stiff dough. With the courgettes it normally goes up to 60% which is a standard, average hydration, definitely not 'pourable'. Sorry about your fail.
12 months ago
I found even after squeezing as much juice from the courgettes it did not need anything like 250ml water - it would have been pourable had I done that. It cooked very quickly on the outside and even reducing the heat as described the inside was like glue. Probably the most inedible bread I’ve ever cooked. The crispy edges were tasty but nearly broke our teeth and the insides like heavy wallpaper paste. A lot of effort for a disappointing result. Sorry!
12 months ago
Anna @ CuisineFiend
Hi Bob - there are 2 tsps of salt in the recipe altogether: one added to courgettes and the other to the dough. It isn't going to be too salty, plus some salt leaches out with the moisture when squeezing out grated courgettes.
3 years ago
Bob Gillies
is it best to rinse the salt out of the grated courgette before squeezing the moisture out to prevent the loaf being too salty as the recipe shows additional 2 tsps salt to be added.
3 years ago
Anna @ CuisineFiend
Hi Sandra - and it is indeed! Toasted and buttered, mmmm...
3 years ago
Sandra G.
This sounds like it would be great with so many bowls of soup. Oh Fall and a bowls of soup perfect timing...
3 years ago

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